Delacroix Adventure, First Time Kayak Fishing, 9R Large, Kayak Kevin Podcast and Social Media in Exploration
Check out all the quality content coming from our community of paddlers, both whitewater kayaking and kayak fishing. Tune in, read up and get psyched. This is the Friday's Finds, where we seek to highlight some of the paddlers who call Virginia home. PaddleVa is about all of us. While some of the stuff shared in these posts will come from outside our waters, Virginia will always be the primary focus.
First Up:
William Ragulsky, Hurricane Kayak Fishing / Werner Paddles / Astral / Yak Attack Pro, recently ventured down to Delacroix for the Adventure World Fishing Championship. A whole posse of Virginia kayak anglers made the trip. Delacroix is a magical place and the AWFC is considered by many to be a special tournament. Check out William's write up by clicking the link below the photo.
Click the link for photo:
Second Up:
Rob Choi, Ocean Kayak / Werner Paddles / Kokatat / Yak Attack Pro, writes about introducing a friend to the sport he loves, kayak fishing. Anytime we get to share our passion and in turn ignite someone else's, it's a gift. Chcek out Rob's story by clicking the link below the photo.
Click the link for the full story:
Third Up:
The Pyranha 9R Large has been on fire. this video showcases the kayak in action and it is sexy. Check it out.
Fourth Up:
Kayak Kevin , Ocean Kayak / Kokatat / Aqua-Bound / Yak Attack Pro and Lee Williams, Ocean Kayak Pro welcome Andy McKnight and William Ragulsky to the Podcast. Good times ensue. Check it out.
Fifth Up:
"The ability to distribute content photos, videos, blogs, tweets in real-time has offset the need for a high-risk story after the fact, at least in terms of reaching an audience." Outside Magazine explores the dynamic of Social Media on adventure stories and those that tell them. This speaks a bit to why we focus on PaddleVa stories. We share outside stories too, but the local ones always take presidence. Click the link below the phot for the full story.
Click here for the full scoop: