A look at the Wilderness Systems ATAK Fishing Kayak
The Wilderness Systems ATAK Fishing Kayak is a slick rig that sits low to the water, has great stability and paddles pretty darn well. It comes standard with some quality bells and whistles. I cover many of those in the following video. I started off filming my rehearsal, with the GoPro, and practicing angles. My daughters jumped in to help. And while I intended on upping the quality for the final product, I couldn't resist using the footage with my girls. It was hilarious. Let me know what you think.
But first, enjoy this quick little edit of summer bass fishing here in Central Virginia. I was slinging a drop shot Powerteam Lures Sick Stick into about 16-20ft. of water and bringing chunkers up from the depths. Bob and Katie from PTL introduced me to this tactic and it's perfect on hot August days. Check it out.
Next is the playful video of my girls and I going over the ATAK. Once again, this was originally just a practice run. Next time I'll up the quality but I couldn't resist sharing this because I thought it provided some entertaining moments.
I've been slacking on my kayak overviews, so I'm going to start knocking them out. Stay tuned for more and let me know if I should keep my assistants? :)
Check out the Wildy ATAK here.